
Missing Teeth? Know Your Options

Modern Dentistry Can Replace Missing Teeth When you have one or more missing teeth, you may experience difficulty eating, chewing, or even speaking properly. And (if you're missing one of the front teeth), it can detract from your appearance as well, affecting your confidence and self-esteem! Instead, choose one of the options made available by [...]

Missing Teeth? Know Your Options2022-01-29T22:27:59+00:00

Dental Implants: Their Structure And What’s Involved

About Dental Implants Dental implants are the strongest and most permanent solution for missing or failing teeth. When you choose to enhance your smile with dental implants, it's a life-changing event! We often take our teeth for granted, and you never really appreciate all they do until they begin to cause trouble. For speaking, eating, [...]

Dental Implants: Their Structure And What’s Involved2022-01-06T21:35:30+00:00

Know Your Teeth, Inside and Out!

Learn Your Tooth Anatomy, Shape, and Function Teeth differ in shape depending on their function & position in the mouth. On the inside, however, they all share the same basic anatomy. Parts of a Tooth Crown: the visible, chewing portion of the tooth. Root: the portion of the tooth hidden by the gums, it anchors [...]

Know Your Teeth, Inside and Out!2021-01-04T02:36:37+00:00

Inlays, Onlays, & Crowns

What is the difference between Inlays, Onlays, and Crowns? They all strengthen and repair a damaged tooth, but generally, the type of restoration we use is determined by the extent of the damage. Inlays - Inlays are used when a cavity has grown too big to be treated with a traditional filling. Made of porcelain [...]

Inlays, Onlays, & Crowns2020-03-26T17:15:44+00:00

Crown and Bridge Treatment

Maintaining the integrity of your mouth Teeth are tough. Formed from the hardest substances in the body, they're harder even than bone. But they're not indestructible. Throughout life teeth are subject to injury—maybe it will be a blow from a hockey puck in your twenties. Or a luckless chomp on an unseen popcorn kernel in [...]

Crown and Bridge Treatment2018-10-02T00:00:38+00:00

Gone Missing

Lose a tooth? We can help you choose the right replacement option. CROWN & BRIDGE is a collective phrase for several methods of restoring teeth. When a tooth has been damaged but is healthy enough to save, we place a crown that covers it and binds it together for strength. Crowns can be fashioned from [...]

Gone Missing2017-06-13T00:00:36+00:00

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?

A sudden, sharp pain when you bite—that's seemingly out of nowhere? Most likely, it's a cracked tooth. Even a hairline fracture in a cavity-free molar can make the most hardy of us sit up and take notice. When you're visited by this kind of bite-down pain, get to the dentist quick. Most cracks are superficial, [...]

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?2017-04-04T00:00:05+00:00

Learning More About Cracked Teeth

Every tooth fracture's an emergency. Unfortunately, some are too tiny to be spotted by even a trained eye. We call it Cracked Tooth Syndrome. A patient shows up with a "mouthful of pain." Something's wrong somewhere, but which tooth? It could even be a hairline crack in an apparently healthy, cavity-free molar. Most cracks tend [...]

Learning More About Cracked Teeth2016-09-20T00:00:02+00:00