Preventative Dentistry

Tongue Tales

Traditionally, doctors and dentists have depended on the tongue to help them diagnose various diseases. And tongues do have a lot to say. For example, scarlet fever is accompanied by a spotted "strawberry" tongue. Burning tongue, a very painful condition, affects primarily post-menopausal women and can reflect systemic problems. Hairy leukoplakia is a common AIDS-related [...]

Tongue Tales2017-04-11T00:00:11+00:00

Prevention is Your Best Protection

If you're like the rest of us, now that belt-tightening is the "new normal," you may already be eating more meals at home, dropping subscriptions, vacationing closer to home. You may also be tempted to cut back on your dental care. But think it over. If a problem has surfaced with your oral health, nipping [...]

Prevention is Your Best Protection2017-03-28T00:00:08+00:00

Fluoride, it’s for Life

If your goal is healthy teeth for life, then you need fluoride. It ensures newly formed teeth are strong; prevents plaque, caries, and gum disease; and protects roots that get exposed as gums recede over time. This essential mineral is present in what we eat and drink, but a healthy diet doesn't supply enough for a [...]

Fluoride, it’s for Life2016-12-27T00:00:57+00:00

Watch Your Mouth

Self Examinations can Spot Signs of Trouble Through the day, you check the mirror—your hair, your collar, your hem. Ever open your mouth to see what's inside? You should, and not just when you feel pain or find blood on your toothbrush. You should routinely examine your oral orifice for any changes. Watch for red [...]

Watch Your Mouth2016-12-20T00:00:33+00:00

Tongue Brushing

An Old Habit Seems New Here's an idea that may be new to you. Did you ever think of brushing your tongue? Actually, tongue-brushing is an ancient practice. Our ancestors considered it part of their daily hygiene. Yet many people today aren't aware that their tongue needs brushing as much as their teeth do. In [...]

Tongue Brushing2016-11-01T00:00:07+00:00

Got Fluoride?

As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. [...]

Got Fluoride?2016-07-12T00:00:39+00:00

Update on Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, and strikes over 43,000 people each year in America. Over the past 30 years, survival rates have only increased from 45 percent to 54 percent, with survival rates lower among African Americans and people under 40. In a recent poll, the National Institute of [...]

Update on Oral Cancer2016-04-12T00:00:08+00:00