
October 2016

What to Know About Gum Disease


It afflicts as many as nine in 10 adults at some point in their lives, as well as teenagers and children as young as five or six years of age. Yet, many suffer from it without even suspecting anything is wrong. "It" is periodontal, or gum, disease—in the minds of most dentists, Public Enemy Number [...]

What to Know About Gum Disease2016-10-18T00:00:58+00:00

Test Your Toothbrush I.Q.


Did you know the toothbrush was invented by the Chinese in the 15th century? These first toothbrushes were made of hog bristles. Today, most toothbrushes are made from nylon monofilaments which dry quickly and resist breakage. Did you know a worn-out toothbrush is dangerous? Bent bristles can injure soft tissues. Worn, frayed bristles won’t be [...]

Test Your Toothbrush I.Q.2016-10-11T00:00:51+00:00

Tired? Do You Sleep Soundly?


Live your dream of a good night's sleep Good sleepers have a routine that doesn't change, even on weekends: lights out at the same time, alarm buzzing at the same time. They don't use caffeine late in the day or rely on alcohol or sleeping pills at bedtime. They exercise daily, and start relaxing two [...]

Tired? Do You Sleep Soundly?2016-10-04T00:00:42+00:00

September 2016

Learning More About Cracked Teeth


Every tooth fracture's an emergency. Unfortunately, some are too tiny to be spotted by even a trained eye. We call it Cracked Tooth Syndrome. A patient shows up with a "mouthful of pain." Something's wrong somewhere, but which tooth? It could even be a hairline crack in an apparently healthy, cavity-free molar. Most cracks tend [...]

Learning More About Cracked Teeth2016-09-20T00:00:02+00:00

Can You Catch a Cavity?


When you have a cold, we all know to cover your mouth before you sneeze and not to drink out of the same glass. We do this because we know that a cold is contagious. Now we know that, chances are, so is tooth decay. Recent research suggests that the germs responsible for cavities may [...]

Can You Catch a Cavity?2016-09-13T00:00:30+00:00

A Bright, Healthy Smile


With Simple Cosmetic Dentistry in San Rafael, CA A bright smile is your most appealing and expressive feature. It projects a positive attitude and high self-esteem—which translates into success in school, business, and your personal life. The face is the most critical and integral aspect of your body image. Not surprisingly, the teeth are important [...]

A Bright, Healthy Smile2016-09-06T00:00:36+00:00

July 2016

Caring for a Dental Bridge


If you have had one or more missing teeth replaced with a dental bridge restoration (also sometimes called a fixed partial denture), then be sure to keep up the good work by properly caring for it. Just following these helpful tips will have you well on your way to a strong and healthy bridge for [...]

Caring for a Dental Bridge2016-07-19T00:00:42+00:00

Got Fluoride?


As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. [...]

Got Fluoride?2016-07-12T00:00:39+00:00

Have you ever smiled in the mirror…


And wondered, what if... What if your teeth were less prominent, or just a bit more even, or maybe that missing chip was back in its place? Cosmetic dentistry isn't “just for movie stars” or “just for women.” Typically it’s very conservative treatment that returns huge dividends in personal self-confidence. Today we have new materials [...]

Have you ever smiled in the mirror…2016-07-05T00:00:41+00:00