
August 2018

Sterilization In Our Practice


Dentistry, like any other science, has evolved over time. We've come a long way from the old days of "drill and fill" to a new era of sophisticated technology and technique. And along with this growth has come a new understanding of sterilization and infection control. With a variety of serious illnesses that can be [...]

Sterilization In Our Practice2018-08-28T00:00:30+00:00

Nighttime Grinding


And the Stress Factor Dentists and researchers aren't completely agreed about the cause of nightly tooth-grinding, or bruxism. But they are aligned on two points: at least partly, it's related to daily stress, and it's happening to more people. It may sound funny, but it's no joke: without food to absorb the impact, teeth can [...]

Nighttime Grinding2018-08-21T00:00:29+00:00

Overcome Your Dental Fear


We'd like to offer one comforting and wonderful fact about today's dentistry: it's comfortable, even pleasant. Technology, new procedures, and some very sophisticated approaches to anesthesia have all contributed to painless treatment, from cleaning to cavity preparations to root canal therapy. But what if you didn't grow up with modern dentistry, and remember it differently? [...]

Overcome Your Dental Fear2018-08-14T00:00:16+00:00

Don’t Forget Your Calcium


Since childhood we've been told we need calcium to build strong teeth and bones. But the fact is we never outgrow our need for this important mineral. Why...? Osteoporosis and loss of bone around the teeth can result when we don't consume enough calcium Authorities say that to reduce the risk of weak, brittle bones [...]

Don’t Forget Your Calcium2018-08-07T00:00:20+00:00

July 2018

Periodontal Disease Q&A


Answers to your most frequently asked questions about gum disease. Q: Why is gum disease so terrible if it doesn't hurt? Periodontal disease is a progressive one—meaning if it doesn't stabilize or show signs of healing, it's bound to get worse. Even when it doesn't hurt, untreated gum disease will eventually take its toll: tooth [...]

Periodontal Disease Q&A2018-07-24T00:00:37+00:00

Older and Healthy…a Natural Match


The words "aging" and "healthy" don't have to be either/or propositions. Fact is, in some ways we grow healthier as we age. We've built up so many antibodies that our resistance to virus increases. Years of brushing with fluoride toothpaste actually strengthens tooth enamel. A little effort on your part now can help insure you'll [...]

Older and Healthy…a Natural Match2018-07-17T00:00:40+00:00

Your Mouth Says A Lot at Your Checkup


Without Speaking A Word! Looking into your open mouth, we see so much more than teeth. In many ways, it's a window into the health of your entire body. Things like vitamin and mineral deficiencies are easily detected—and just as easily treated. Problems that might in the future become serious are spotted and responded to. [...]

Your Mouth Says A Lot at Your Checkup2020-03-26T17:04:00+00:00

When a Tooth Goes Missing


Harrison Ford took a nasty fall and lost two of his teeth. Thanks to modern dentistry, he went on to become a major Hollywood star. For as long as we humans have been losing teeth, we've been filling the gaps. Early dentures were made from ivory, bone, silver, gold, agate, mother-of-pearl and teeth removed from [...]

When a Tooth Goes Missing2018-07-03T00:00:43+00:00

June 2018

Asthma Alert


Beware of oral complications from this respiratory disease In years past, asthma attacks could be unpredictable and difficult to control. Today, medications have been developed to control attacks—in some cases preventing them from occurring at all. If you—or a member of your family—still suffer the attacks, check with your physician about new treatment methods. Although [...]

Asthma Alert2018-06-26T00:00:16+00:00

Sounding Off About Snoring!


Do you snore, and has your partner compared it to the sound of a giant band saw slowly slicing through the house? Ever wake up groggy and grumpy after a "full night's sleep?" If the answers are "Yes" and "Yes," you could be suffering from sleep apnea, a not-so-funny condition in which sleepers actually stop [...]

Sounding Off About Snoring!2018-06-19T00:00:35+00:00