
February 2021

Grow Older with Your Teeth


As we grow older, it's natural for changes in our mouths, gums, and jawbone to occur. However (thanks to preventive dentistry) people nowadays are keeping their natural teeth longer and longer. Prevent Tooth Loss as you Grow Older Neglect is the main cause of tooth loss, and most problems can be prevented with a simple [...]

Grow Older with Your Teeth2020-12-28T23:14:43+00:00

Do You Have TMJ Pain?


Helping You Solve TMJ Pain Some 10 million people suffer from some form of TMJ Disorder: from clicking or popping whenever they yawn, to intense migraine-like pain in the area around their ears. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge between your jaw and skull. The bone and muscles permit your jaw to move—not just up [...]

Do You Have TMJ Pain?2020-12-28T23:12:31+00:00

Chronic Inflammation & Gum Disease


Gum Disease may be a sign of systemic inflammation Unlike acute inflammation (your body's defense against illness or injury) chronic inflammation simultaneously heals and destroys tissue. It's what happens when the immune system doesn't know when to stop, and often leads to such diseases as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and gum disease. Dentally [...]

Chronic Inflammation & Gum Disease2020-12-28T23:10:52+00:00

The Anatomy of a “Perfect” Smile


You've probably noticed that a friendly greeting (along with a bright smile) usually gets a smile in response! It's a good feeling we humans are lucky to share. But, what exactly composes a fine smile? What Makes Teeth Beautiful? The Smile Line There are dimensions to the ideal smile that dentists work to achieve. In [...]

The Anatomy of a “Perfect” Smile2020-12-28T23:08:52+00:00

January 2021

Why Diabetes Matters for Your Mouth


The Dental Connection to Diabetes The first symptoms are often oral problems More and more, we realize there's a relationship between infections in your mouth and inflammation caused by diabetes. And neglecting one makes the other worse! Make sure your blood glucose is controlled. If you have diabetes, uncontrolled blood glucose makes you more susceptible [...]

Why Diabetes Matters for Your Mouth2020-12-28T23:00:46+00:00

Smile with Confidence


Confidence & Self-Esteem Through Dentistry The Psychology of Teeth, Imperfections, and Self-Esteem Studies show that good-looking people receive preferential treatment over others. We may not like it, but it's human nature to perceive physically attractive individuals as more intelligent, likable, and honest. So who decides who's attractive? It's partially determined by cultural norms, however, self-esteem [...]

Smile with Confidence2020-12-28T22:39:53+00:00

Dentures so Natural Looking…


Only Your Dentist Knows For Sure! With so many advances in modern dentistry, fewer people need full dentures. But for those that do have missing teeth, dentures and partials are more natural-looking and discreet than ever. We can customize a complete restoration to fit your appearance (including considerations for skin, hair, and eye color) or [...]

Dentures so Natural Looking…2020-12-28T22:26:59+00:00

December 2020

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth


Do You Have Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity can range from a mild annoyance to sudden severe pain. Most often triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods, those with the condition may or may not have visible cavities or damage present. That's why it often takes a dentist to determine the cause. If you're suffering [...]

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth2020-11-29T21:34:06+00:00

Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!


Critical for Diagnosis & Treatment Planning X-Rays help pinpoint problems and avoid further complications. People are often concerned that they're receiving too much radiation from X-Rays, so it's important to understand why the benefits of X-Rays (taken at reasonable intervals) far outweigh the concerns! The purpose of X-Rays is to pinpoint problems and avoid further [...]

Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!2020-11-29T21:31:48+00:00