gum disease

Why Diabetes Matters for Your Mouth

The Dental Connection to Diabetes The first symptoms are often oral problems More and more, we realize there's a relationship between infections in your mouth and inflammation caused by diabetes. And neglecting one makes the other worse! Make sure your blood glucose is controlled. If you have diabetes, uncontrolled blood glucose makes you more susceptible [...]

Why Diabetes Matters for Your Mouth2020-12-28T23:00:46+00:00

Does Gum Disease Hurt?

Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless One of the reasons gum disease is such a problem is that it progresses gradually, often with no pain during the initial stages. So how can you tell if you're affected? Have a look at some of the symptoms: Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing - No amount of [...]

Does Gum Disease Hurt?2020-11-29T21:26:45+00:00

Preventing Periodontal Disease

Early Diagnosis is the Most Effective Means of Control Periodontal (gum) disease is more common than heart disease or even cancer, but because it's not categorized as "life-threatening," few people know much about the condition. The tragedy of this disease is that it can totally devastate your appearance. Left untreated, it will erode your jawbone, [...]

Preventing Periodontal Disease2020-07-19T15:48:29+00:00

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?

With more than half of American adults affected by gum disease, it's important to know if you're in one of the at-risk groups. Some factors are beyond our control, but others can be controlled, and simple things such as better nutrition and behavioral changes can go a long way toward improving oral health and preventing [...]

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?2020-02-08T19:09:44+00:00

Analyzing Bad Breath

Bad breath (or halitosis) happens to all of us from time to time, and nobody likes it. As well as being a social embarrassment, bad breath can also be a warning sign of more serious dental problems. By analyzing the type of bad breath patients complain of, we can help determine its cause. What Causes [...]

Analyzing Bad Breath2020-01-29T22:47:25+00:00

Gum Disease & Public Health

Gum Disease has Bigger Implications Gum disease continues to pose a significant threat to public health, with some studies suggesting more American adults have gum disease than previously thought. As detection, screening, and awareness has improved over the years, we now know that the prevalence of moderate to severe periodontal disease may have been underestimated [...]

Gum Disease & Public Health2019-11-17T03:54:00+00:00

The Benefits of Probiotics

When thinking about bacteria, a good analogy is bugs in your garden. The bad ones eat your cherished plants and can carry diseases, but good bugs like bees and ladybugs exist as well. They help to undo the damage done by the bad bugs. With bacteria, it is much the same. The harmful bacteria spreads [...]

The Benefits of Probiotics2019-12-17T08:00:54+00:00

Is Your Mouth Showing Signs of Aging?

Shortened teeth are a sure sign; lengthening them makes people look younger. We have methods to build up shortened or chipped teeth. Do You Have Periodontal Disease? Periodontal, or gum, disease are rarely noticed in early stages. Only by dental exam do you know for sure. However, there are some telltale symptoms: bleeding gums, bad [...]

Is Your Mouth Showing Signs of Aging?2019-06-11T08:00:17+00:00

Get your Smile Check-Up!

Barring injury, your sturdy white teeth should remain healthy and intact for the rest of your life. But just like your car's engine, which needs its regular oil & lube to keep purring smoothly, your mouth needs a thorough once-over as well. We'll review your dental history, clean your teeth, evaluate gum tissue, and screen [...]

Get your Smile Check-Up!2019-05-07T08:00:36+00:00

Kids Can Get Gum Disease Too

It would be comforting to think that gum disease afflicted only adults. But adolescents and even pre-adolescents are especially at risk for what is often called Localized Juvenile Periodontitis (LJP). We usually think of periodontal disease as a result of plaque and calculus build-up. But the real culprit is bacteria that can spread from site [...]

Kids Can Get Gum Disease Too2019-04-16T08:00:13+00:00