
Look for Changes in Your Mouth

Whenever you find yourself brushing or flossing in front of a mirror, take the opportunity to really look inside your mouth. Self-Examination is the first line of defense in detecting potential problems... and the earlier, the better! Open wide and look at all the soft tissues, watching for any unusual changes such as unexplained white [...]

Look for Changes in Your Mouth2020-02-08T19:12:15+00:00

Watch Your Mouth

Self Examinations can Spot Signs of Trouble Through the day, you check the mirror—your hair, your collar, your hem. Ever open your mouth to see what's inside? You should, and not just when you feel pain or find blood on your toothbrush. You should routinely examine your oral orifice for any changes. Watch for red [...]

Watch Your Mouth2016-12-20T00:00:33+00:00