
July 2024

On Guard Against Oral Cancer


Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don’t smoke or have other lifestyle risk factors. Now that we've got your attention—there’s hope. Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions [...]

On Guard Against Oral Cancer2023-12-23T18:56:25+00:00

CEREC®—Restorations as Natural as Living Teeth!


Now in just one appointment you can have a metal-free restoration as natural looking and strong as an original tooth. CEREC is a computer-controlled system that creates a tooth replacement from a single block of white, biocompatible, plaque-resistant ceramic. The effect on your smile must be seen to be believed! Not only is the restoration [...]

CEREC®—Restorations as Natural as Living Teeth!2023-12-23T18:56:17+00:00

June 2024

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?


There’s no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and impacted teeth. We couldn't see these conditions with the naked eye no matter how closely [...]

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?2023-12-23T18:56:09+00:00

Dental X-ray FAQs


Why do I need X-rays? X-rays, or radiographic examinations, provide us with an important tool that shows the condition of your teeth, its roots, jaw placement, and the overall composition of your facial bones. X-rays can help determine the presence or degree of periodontal disease, abscesses, and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumors. [...]

Dental X-ray FAQs2023-12-23T18:55:53+00:00

Bruxism – Grinding and Clenching


What is Bruxism? Bruxism is the technical term for grinding and clenching that wears down teeth and may cause facial pain. People who grind and clench, called bruxers, unintentionally bite down too hard at inappropriate times, such as in their sleep. In addition to grinding teeth, they also may bite their fingernails, pencils and chew [...]

Bruxism – Grinding and Clenching2023-12-23T18:55:45+00:00

Sunshine For Healthy Teeth and Bones


We don’t hear a lot about vitamin D. It’s crucial for healthy teeth and bones because it helps you absorb calcium. And the easiest way to get your minimum daily requirement is—take a walk in the sun! Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because natural sunlight converts a chemical in your skin into a [...]

Sunshine For Healthy Teeth and Bones2023-12-23T18:55:37+00:00

May 2024

Osteoporosis: The Calcium Connection


Osteoporosis—porous bones—is a fragile, frightening reality for at least 15 million North Americans. What begins as a slow and initially painless decrease in bone mass eventually leaves bones weakened and susceptible to fracture. It turns strong backs into weak; healthy strides into shuffles. From a dental viewpoint, the disease is evident in loss of tooth [...]

Osteoporosis: The Calcium Connection2023-12-23T18:55:30+00:00

Treating Halitosis


Whether you call it dragon breath, morning breath, or halitosis, persistent bad breath is not only socially embarrassing, it can also be a sign of poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, digestive problems, and even sinus trouble. And all the mouthwashes and breath fresheners in the world won’t solve the problem. A simple visit to our [...]

Treating Halitosis2023-12-23T18:55:22+00:00

Smoking and Still Smiling?


Say you've spent the time and effort to get your mouth and teeth in shape. You’re dentally hale and hearty. And you smoke. As if there isn't enough reason to give up smoking, your dental health suffers too. Dramatically. Aside from the tobacco stains on teeth (not to mention the bouquet), serious oral disease can develop. The evidence just [...]

Smoking and Still Smiling?2023-12-23T18:55:03+00:00