
March 2022

Dental Habits… for Kids!


Creating good dental habits can last a lifetime! We all want the best for our children. And that includes their teeth as well! Even though we do get two sets of teeth, it's just as essential to treat baby teeth (also known as primary teeth) as if they were their last. That's because instilling children [...]

Dental Habits… for Kids!2022-01-06T20:46:44+00:00

February 2022

Vitamin D: Get Your Shine On!


Vitamin D Is Easy To Come By So, for healthy teeth and bones, make sure to get enough. Vitamin D is one of the vital nutrients for everyone's health, but especially for that of growing children. Combined with calcium, it plays a crucial role in developing healthy teeth and bones. It aids the body's absorption [...]

Vitamin D: Get Your Shine On!2022-01-06T20:45:26+00:00

Dry Mouth FAQs


Is Dry Mouth A Minor Annoyance or A Serious Problem? Dry mouth can be either a minor annoyance or a serious problem. Most everyone experiences the sensation at one point or another, and we all know how uncomfortable and awkward it feels. Your tongue may feel trapped or almost sticky, and it can even feel [...]

Dry Mouth FAQs2022-01-06T20:43:50+00:00

Dentures: Are They For You?


Dentures Are A Replacement For Natural Teeth For patients who have missing or failing teeth, dentures may be the best replacement option. Rather than waiting for teeth to gradually get replaced one by one, consider scheduling consultation for dentures. We'll discuss your treatment options and answer any questions you have about the process. Call us [...]

Dentures: Are They For You?2022-01-06T20:42:30+00:00

9 Worst Foods For Teeth


Some of the Worst Foods Aren't What You Expect If you're like many Americans, you're more concerned than ever about trying to eat healthily. As well as eating nutritious foods that are good for your overall health, be sure to avoid the foods that are the worst for your teeth. At the very least, make [...]

9 Worst Foods For Teeth2022-01-06T20:41:02+00:00

January 2022

Cracked Tooth Treatment


Do You Have A Cracked Tooth? Whether superficial, structural, or painful damage, seek treatment now! Anyone who's ever had a cracked tooth can tell you that it can be a distressing situation. However, tooth cracks (fractures) are easily fixable with a range of effective and modern options. Call us today at (415) 499-7700 to schedule [...]

Cracked Tooth Treatment2021-10-25T19:43:03+00:00

Bleeding Gums: Causes and Implications


Do You Have Bleeding Gums? When brushing your teeth and flossing, there should never be any sign of bleeding gums. However, many people continue to experience this issue. Find out the major causes and possible implications. Periodontal Disease The most severe potential cause of bleeding gums is periodontal disease. An infection of the gum tissue, [...]

Bleeding Gums: Causes and Implications2021-10-25T19:41:23+00:00

Dead Tooth FAQs


What To Know About A Dead Tooth What is a dead tooth? A dead tooth is a commonly used phrase for a tooth that has lost its blood flow and nerve function. Other terms for this condition include non-vital, pulpless, or necrotic teeth. What causes it? A dead tooth can occur whenever the tooth pulp [...]

Dead Tooth FAQs2021-10-25T19:39:47+00:00

Experiencing Jaw Pain?


Jaw Pain May Have Several Causes Sometimes jaw pain is just temporary. You may have over-used the muscles while chewing hard food, or even just slept on that side in an awkward position. Other times, however, chronic jaw pain can be a symptom of something more. It could be a problem associated with your TMJ [...]

Experiencing Jaw Pain?2021-10-25T19:38:37+00:00

December 2021

Tooth Stains: What Foods Cause Them?


Your favorite food and drink may be causing tooth stains. For most of us, tooth stains are a continuous battle. The best way to keep teeth white is to brush and floss twice a day. Then, make sure you see a dentist regularly for preventative checkups and cleanings (usually recommended every six months). As well [...]

Tooth Stains: What Foods Cause Them?2021-10-25T19:37:02+00:00